Saturday 21 April 2012

Sedim Reco (II) Adventure

           The Sedim Recreation Park is located near the Kulim High Tech Industrial Park. It is a popular destination for visitors from the northern states of Penang, Perlis, Kedah and Perak. The park offers a variety of outdoor activity offering  adventure activity such as white water rafting, team building, canopy walkway, 4 x 4 adventure, jungle trekking, mountain biking, mountain climbing , camping and picknicking. Due to its close proximity to Penang, more companies in Penang and Kedah  now chose the location to conduct their team building programs.

Activities offer in Sedim is white water rafting, canopy walkway, rubber tubing rafting, flying fox, obstacles course, jungle trekking,  4 x 4 experience, off roading, night safari, jungle treasure hunt, night solo walk, jungle survival, identifying flora and fauna, bird watching, paintball, theme nights and campfires etc

jungle survival skills.... living of the land,  setting up traps, identifying edible plants, shoots and roots, catching  fish, boiling water and cooking rice and dishes in bamboo and jungle leaves, starting fire the ancient ways, orienteering and emergency  rescue and first aid... etc

I got the opportunities to go there,via Eco-Tourism and Tour&Travel subject where they have their activities in that place.